Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dodd calls for investigation into Plame affair.

Looks like somebody is paying attention... And a test for Mukasey..

Raw Story:

"Today's revelations by Mr. McClellan are very disturbing and raise several important questions that need to be answered," Dodd wrote in a statement posted at his campaign's website on Tuesday. "If in fact the President of the United of States knowingly instructed his chief spokesman to mislead the American people, there can be no more fundamental betrayal of the public trust."
Later in the statement, Dodd asked that newly confirmed US Attorney General Michael Mukasey investigate the president's involvement in the matter.
"During his confirmation process, Attorney General Mukasey said he would act independently," the senator added. "Accordingly, today, I call on the Attorney General to live up to his word and launch an immediate investigation to determine the facts of this case, the extent of any cover up and determine what the President knew and when he knew it."
Update: Huckabee is asking for an investigation...

In an interview on MSNBC’s Hardball yesterday, former Republican Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee called Scott McClellan’s revelation that “the President himself” was involved in the Valerie Plame scandal “stunning.” “They deserve to be thoroughly examined, investigated, and the truth brought to the American people,” he said, adding that President Bush should personally respond to the charges.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Mikie better get a fellow corrupt Special Prosecutor this time around. Fitz is honest and follows the law which is not the same corrupt law Mike and Mark follow. Look for another suck up to be appointed who will do as he/she is told an say nothing happen. Fitz said it wasn't over as the Fat Lady didn't sing yet. All his hard work by Fitz/Team only to come to a very little rat no one paid attention to as this case is again wide open. Now we know the Judge in the Plame civil case was paid by the White House or dumb as Gonzo.

With the way the Bush appointed Judges rule in court and the hand picked puppets on the Supreme Court even I can put on a robe as the Court says All raise the Honorable Judge AirJackie presiding next I say You may be seated. Oh those little rats that no one paid attention to could bring down the Bush/Cheney Crime Team. Rove is looking for a second job for his legal fees. Gonzo is begging for dimes and making a fool of himself. Ari is pimping for money.

Mark now has his time to shine and knock off Mikie for the top job because the House of Crime falls. Mark is slick and knows how to position himself and lies very well. He has shown his loyalty by making sure the crimes done are kept secret in the court. If you think I'm wrong about how the courts work with the White House. Check out the docket number of the seal vs seal case that was heard during Libby's indictment. You'll notice the numbers are right after Libby's case numbers. Now let me explain. Rove was indicted as any juror would do with the lying testimony he gave. Fitz allowed he would give Rove time to get his affairs in order. Then Gonzo stepped in requested a seal and Rove's lying lawyer says he got a faxed letter from the DOJ. He did get a letter but not from Fitz it was from Gonzo saying he had gotten the indictment sealed. I always wondered by Gonzo was interfering with the Grand Jury hearings. Now if Supreme Leader Cheney had Mark as the Special Prosecutor none of this would have happen as Mark knows how to protect his criminal Republican friends. As for Mikie well he's old and will now have a place next to others who sold their souls to Satan. Mark is young he'll wait like the snake he is for the next team of corrupt Republicans to get in office. I don't know if using God will work the second time, looks like the public is wise to that trick, but you never know.