Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Yup, same theme: Standing by your man...

Last night in an interview with ABC News, President Bush “offered his strongest support of embattled Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf,” nearly three weeks after Musharraf declared emergency rule. Bush said that Musharraf hasn’t yet “crossed the line” and insisted Musharraf has “advanced democracy in Pakistan.”


airJackie said...

Bush has to protect Musharraf as he give him the Nukes. It's all about the Nukes now. Strange things happen when you lie and steal. Musharraf will to over thrown by someone else the only question is who. In time there will be a new Leader in Pakistan and he/she will have the Nukes. The Lady who worked with the US now sees how much they lie and how she was used. Only one problem with this US Pakistan friendship.
It brings attention to the world that the US on it's own gave out Nukes without approval from the United Nations. Yes the Gerbil has been handing out Nukes like candy to all the countries that would let him use their land for evil. Israel got their Nukes as Israel is just occupying the land. I laughed at Israel's 60th anniversary as they were given that land in 1947 by the UN as it belonged to the Palestinians. Why do I know this you might ask well I'm 60 years old myself. Israel should be celebrating how successful they were in stealing land and still stealing for 60 years with the help of a few good friends namely US/UK.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Musharraf crossed the line years ago because of how he got power.