Saturday, October 27, 2007

White House condemns FEMA’s fake presser.

Don't you mean throw FEMA under the bus??


Today, Al Kamen reported that the Federal Emergency Management Association held a Tuesday press conference filled with softball questions that were actually asked by FEMA employees posing as journalists. In today’s press briefing, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino condemned FEMA’s actions:
QUESTION: And from what we understand, the questions were posed not by reporters but by staffers. And that distinction was not made known. Is that appropriate?

PERINO: It is not. It is not a practice that we would employee here at the White House or that we — we certainly don’t condone it. We didn’t know about it beforehand. … It’s not something I would have condoned. … FEMA is responsible.


KittyBowTie1 said...

A few people should be fired for that dog and pony show.

They fire people at Wal-mart for going to lunch late; what FEMA did was a lot worse. The whole press conference was a lie.

KittyBowTie1 said...
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KittyBowTie1 said...

Ooops! This cat tried posting something before having enough caffeine.

Anonymous said...

They got caught, this time. Seriously you know this goes on all the time, not as blatently, but let's get real, it goes on.

SP Biloxi said...

I agree with you Mr. Kitty. Not only FEMA should be shown the door but the WH too. I think we are all tired of the dog and pony show in the WH.