Saturday, October 27, 2007

Clown visit irks some San Diego firefighters.


The San Diego Union Tribune writes that Bush’s visit yesterday annoyed some firefighters because it caused massive traffic jams, preventing them from getting much-needed food and rest:

Residents finally returning to their homes in Rancho Bernardo were stuck in traffic for hours while the presidential motorcade passed through, and delays left firefighters longing for food and showers. […]

Still covered in ashes, firefighters Danny Chandler and Chris Cortright from Mount Laguna waited in the back of a pickup. They could see the showers and the food tent, but the president’s visit kept them and dozens of other firefighters from moving. Chandler had been fighting the fire in Ramona for 24 hours. Cortright had been at it for 48 hours. “I appreciate him being here,” Chandler said, drinking Gatorade as he waited in the sun. “But they could have organized this better. I’d just as soon eat.”


KittyBowTie1 said...

WTF? He took a motorcade??

Please tell me there was a good reason for that, like there was too much smoke to fly the helicopter.

KittyBowTie1 said...

P.S. The cat got stuck going to work in the middle of a motorcade for Pres. Ronald Reagan. That was a couple of years after he got shot but obviously long before 9/11. I cannot imagine what a motorcade from today looks like now that people stopped thinking about a lone gunman and prepare for attacks by packs of terrorists.

I feel sorry for those firefighters.

SP Biloxi said...

Yup, a motorcade. You know why the photo-op-in-chief was in San Diego.