Friday, October 26, 2007

A Thinkprogress blogger tells the real truth of Bush's visit to San Diego.

And I know that this would not make the news. But, I do appreciate someone on that blog telling the real story about the Clown's visit and not the fluff...

Here is the comment from Thinkprogress:

I live in San Diego - just south of Marine Air Station Miramar. The local response (both government and citizen) was outstanding. For FEMA or Mr Bush to suggest they helped during the fires is nonsense. Even John Garamendi (Lt. Governor) asked Bush to stay away if all he was going to do was bloviate and waste our time with speeches. Everybody (except hits) knows Bush is a loser and a footnote in history. Hanging your star onto bushes wagon will surely cause your downfall. The speeches look like circle jerks - everybody thanking everybody else.

For the locals here is San Diego there is a common phrase making the rounds: “If you didn’t bring a shovel or a check, get out of my way!” I think that sums it up nicely.

Comment by StratRat — October 26, 2007 @ 12:37 pm


KittyBowTie1 said...

FEMA is in the process of helping people in my area who lost everything in floods months ago. They were poor, white folks living in trailers.

Maximum: $3000.

It's better than nothing. At least they got more help from local charities.

Republicans are big on "privatization." They should start with FEMA. Local charities and the Red Cross do it better and with far more efficiency. Cut FEMA off, drop our taxes by billions as a result, and crank up the tax deductions for donations to charities. It's time the people took care of ourselves.

SP Biloxi said...

I didn't know that you lived in that area of the flood.

$3000?? Is that what the folks are getting from FEMA?? Give me the scoop on that.

If that is the case, $3000 bucks will not help San Diego, the other fires in California, katrina victims, Rita victims, and so on to get back their feet. I heard on the news yesterday that the San Diego fires to the home will cost that city 1 billion dollars. So, rent and homes will go up and so on. It is just a never ending story with the disasters in this country.

airJackie said...

Mr. Kitty the Gerbil came to California for photo ops and votes.
Yes we knew it before he got here.
Now FEMA made it worse as they had a press conference with no Journalist just fake FEMA employees posing as reporters.

We had several planes sitting in the hanger as they could have been used to save homes. Yes these planes belong to the government and Arnie, Gerbil and FEMA never called. In short the fire could have been out day one if they had allowed these planes to fly.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Illinois had pockets of flooding in late August. It was a mess.