Friday, October 26, 2007

Restless Leg Syndrome Craig To Argue Foot-Tapping A Constitutional Right

And I will remember to use that excuse when I use the restroom!


Larry Craig is now taking yet another path in his quest to legally absolve himself: He is legally arguing that the law under which he was arrested and subsequently pled guilty to disorderly conduct in a men's room is in fact unconstitutional.

This puts Craig with an odd ally for a conservative Republican: The ACLU, who argued in an amicus brief that foot-tapping and hand gestures alone, absent a real sexual act, were protected by the First Amendment.

Craig's lawyers will file their briefs by mid-December, and have asked to make oral arguments before the appeals court in St. Paul.


airJackie said...

Now the Gay Rights Groups have a leader fighting for their rights. I notice how Craig knows the Constitution when necessary. While he's voting to bring down the Constitution yet when in need use it. Well I for one hope he wins and gets Rights for Gays. Just think of it Senator Larry Craig fighting for Gay Rights. Now the secret code is no problem.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Just in time for Halloween! Someone better let Should Be Resigned Craig practice his religion involving of foot tapping. Yes, foot tapping did exist. It belonged to one of many parlor tricks Spiritualists used to bilk life savings out of unsuspecting, gullible, and grieving relatives in the nineteenth century. The Fox Sisters and others like them faked seances to contact ghosts of relatives who paid big bucks to contact the dead. Foot tapping usually involved something hidden making noise under the table to fake a ghost's arrival.

Senator Craig, would you care to withdraw your ridiculous claim that you have a right to foot tapping or shall we just pin this bizarre and fake religion on you? It won't take long before your conservative buddies start thinking you are a devil worshiper, too.

(Wikipedia is such a cheesy reference but check out the bad karma the Fox Sisters earned for themselves for lying and cheating!)

KittyBowTie1 said...

By the way, someone should frame that amicus brief from the ACLU and trot it out every time some conservative idiot tries to make the ACLU seem like a bunch of ultra-liberal wackos.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Watch Craig through everyone under the bus trying to save himself.

SP Biloxi said...

Craig is stalling for time in office.


Do you tap, tap, tap with your paw?
