Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tancredo calls for arrests of college immigration activists.

And here is a GOP Presidential nimrod candidate fixated on immigration...


Hill Democrats were planning to hold a press conference today featuring three college students whose parents came to the United States illegally in order to promote the DREAM Act. But the event was postponed after anti-immigrant Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) called on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency to arrest the three students:

“I call on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency to detain any illegal aliens at this press conference,” said Tancredo, who claims to have alerted federal authorities about the well publicized press confrence. “Just because these illegal aliens are being used for political gain doesn’t mean they get immunity from the law. If we can’t enforce our laws inside the building where American laws are made, where can we enforce them?”

One of the students, Tan Tram, was recently in the spotlight when immigration officials raided her family’s home after she spoke out about U.S. immigration policies.

Memo to Tancredo: Check your own roots before criticizing immigration.

Tancredo was born in Denver, Colorado to Adeline Lombardi and Gerald Tancredo. Both sets of his grandparents immigrated from Italy.


airJackie said...

Tom would not have been an American if a Senator acted like him when his grandparents come to the US. Like Gonzo's family were illegal I wonder if the same was with Tancredo's grandparents. Next Tancredo will want to bring back slavery.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Hey Tanwacko, will you be killing Indians next for taking 'your' land?

SP Biloxi said...

"Hey Tanwacko, will you be killing Indians next for taking 'your' land?"

Tanwacko.. LOL!

Tancredo needs a checkup from the neckup.