Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Countdown’s Worst Person In The World: Beck BillO And The NRO Nutter.

Crooks and Liars:

Monday night’s Worst Person In The World included Glenn Beck, who took the Bronze for his ultra-offensive statements about victims of the wildfires in southern California, the Silver went to Bill O’Reilly for his delusional claim that recent flare ups involving culture issues in America were somehow related to the release of his new rag for children and the Gold went to Tom Gross of the National Review Online for this belly laugher about George and Dick:

Gross: “They are super-mean about them now, but maybe, just maybe, one day peaceniks in America and Europe will recognize George W. Bush and Dick Cheney as the men who prevented World War Three. Surely then they would be deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize?“

And why is the clown Beck still employed?


KittyBowTie1 said...

Yeah, Beck is totally irritating. CNN needs to show him the door, and fire everyone who hired that thing.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of irritating and CNN, you have to put Nancy Grace her whining and beating a story to excruiting over done nauseating detail.

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native and Mr. Kitty:

You notice that CNN's reporting has hit rock bottom. Beck and Grace adds to to cancerous newsstation. I saw the retardness of CNN when the journalists made a big stink over Hillary's cleavage. I didn't know if they were getting a rise over the story or Hillary. The only person that I will listen and watch is Anderson Cooper. And read Bill Mitchell's cartoons. Otherwise, CNN is another Faux Noose in the rising.

Anonymous said...

Besides Anderson Cooper is a cutie, anyhow he goes everywhere and now he is in Thailand reporting on the illegal animal/bird/lizard markets of exotic and or endangered animals.

It's sad people want entertainment instead of news, CSpan is good for see it yourself news.

And Hilary's clevage was a low point, most women could care less about frontal fat deposits on other women, so what audience were they going after?

KittyBowTie1 said...

Christine Ammanpour is good on CNN, so that's it. CNN has only two to three decent people.

At some point, someone at CNN needs to put the damn martini glass down and realize they should NOT be trying to be like Faux.