Saturday, October 13, 2007

Straight Talk McCain: Gore Should Not Have Gotten Nobel Prize.

What an idiot!


John McCain has become the first candidate for president to comment on Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize in a negative way, telling an Iowa crowd that there were more worthy people out there to whom the prize could have been awarded.

"I would have liked to see that prize go to the Buddhist monks who are suffering and dying in Burma," McCain said.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Idiot!!!!! To add to what I already wrote about Faux Noose, the Buddhist monk thing was AFTER the freaking nomination deadline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, these idiots go beyond just slamming people, they have *no idea* what the process is or how to follow instructions.

KittyBowTie1 said...

P.S. For the record, Aung San Suu Kyi won the Peace Prize years ago.

Any bets on if McCain (or his idiotic speech writers) knows that?

airJackie said...

I love my cat Mr. Kitty so calm down. McCain knows what is really happening here and it's bad. McCain knows the people of Iowa and NH relate to the elite honors and understand the meaning of winning the Nobel Prize. It puts one in a group of the highest educated and important people around the world. The people of these two States recognized this award with better understanding then most Americans. Al Gore is now on the minds of the Voters. It makes people start to think of how the world saw this brilliant man while they listen to the GOP idiots.

It's like when EF Hutton speaks people listen that's Al Gore now.
Plus award will be given out in Dec. when the GOP are running their ads.

Now Mr. Kitty the question on the minds of the GOP is who will Al Gore support. Let's see Brother Bill was invited to Al's daughter's wedding and they seem to be in deep conversation. Tipper and Hillary are still close friends as before she ran for President they were together in UK. One might think it's Hillary that will get the support of our Nobel Peace Prize winner of 2007.

Anonymous said...

McCain.......bumbling idiot.

SP Biloxi said...

I find it amazing that Father Time could find time to criticize Al Gore on a major climate concern in this country and the aronnd the world while no one has criticized McCain for his services in the military or the medals that he received for serving his country. It is a bit slap in the face for McCain to talk negative about an ex VP who earned his honor!