Saturday, October 13, 2007

Faux Noose: Gore’s Never ‘Actually Done Something For Peace;’ Give Petraeus The Prize

The koolaid is spiked again! And that's like giving Fox News the Edward R. Murrows award in journalism! LOL!

From Thinkprogress:

In the segment, Neil Cavuto hosted New York Sun editor Seth Lipsky, whose paper ran an editorial this week saying that Petraeus deserved the prize for his attempts to “save the nation of Iraq.” Lipsky said that Petraeus “deserves” the award “as a representative of G.I. Joe” because American troops “go overseas to liberate, they go overseas to make peace.” He then added that the use of “fighting” in a war doesn’t undermine the “idealism” of the Nobel Prize:

LIPSKY: I can’t think of anything more directly responsive to the idealism of the Nobel Peace Prize itself than the kinds of liberation and peacekeeping that our G.I. Joe and G.I. Jane has had as a mission since World War II.
CAVUTO: So, you say Gen. Petraeus, not Al Gore?
LIPSKY: I say Gen. Petraeus, not Al Gore.


KittyBowTie1 said...

All the jealous idiots are coming out from underneath the kitchen baseboards like cockroaches. To get the Nobel Prize, the person ***MUST BE*** nominated. The idiots at Faux Noose are welcome to nominate the general next year. After all, even George Orange Jumpsuit Ryan, A.K.A. Governor Licenses for Bribes got nominated for emptying out death row by a University of Illinois law professor after his sympathy scam about taking a stand on the death penalty, only after his naughtiness was getting probed.

PrissyPatriot said...

Betrayus being the model GIJoe? LOL

He's a model brown-noser if there ever was one...

Yeah uh-huh and I'm sure Rummy will be the next nominee-NOT!

airJackie said...

Petraeus has other problems with General Sanchez spilling the secrets even saying Petraeus lied for the White House. Now will General Petraeus be rewarded for losing/selling 190.000 weapon/vest/bullets and giving them to the enemy. The speech he gave, given by the White House as he lied under oath. Covering up the murder of many US soldiers by the US get his that Prize. General Petraeus is the last paid/lied the Bush/Cheney crime family put in the job. Petraeus better pray he's not brought up on War Crimes by the United Nations as the Nobel Peace Prize is lease of his problems. As for President well we notice that job can be brought as long as Satan says God said put that person in the Oval Office and all the Christians believe.

Anonymous said...

Faux noose

This is a good example of how whacked out they are.

Bill O'Reilly almost popped a gasket he got so upset that two gay guys dressed as comic nuns took communion at a Catholic church in San Franscisco, and this was not front page news. As a matter of fact is is really upset with San Fransciso period, for the gay pride parade with children there. remember Falafel guy is a writer of children's books He went totally biserk on SanFransciso for not doing something about these gay guys going to churches dressed as bizare nuns. He was so upset with this reporter when she said they didn't cover the story because it was not news. He said if this happened in a Mosque it would be front page news.
But here we have a guy who slammed the whole city of San Franscisco and gays repeatedly, getting upset, really upset about it all, and yes he is on a news station which claims to be fair and balanced

SP Biloxi said...


The Noble Peace prize nomination or win is a honor and is earned. Faux Noose never erarned a damn thing in the name of journalism. And I agree with kittybowtie. The jealous nimrods often climb out of kitchen baseboards like roaches to spread negative crapola. Gore earned the Nobel Peace prize. And Faux Noose needs to get over it!