Friday, October 26, 2007

Special Treat, folks! Part two.

Here is another photo of the Rugby Man.
Received another email message from my Chicago buddy:
For blog:

Jackie, Mr. Fitzgerald knew this picture was for you. You can see by the gleam in his eyes that he was very proud of his staff tonight. He looks a little tired but this was after the event, late into the evening.A small handful of people fed up with the corruption of the Al Capone era in Chicago formed the Better Government Association. Mr. Fitzgerald, along with the help of his staff, will go down in history as the new Elliot Ness.
And I am glad that Fitz included recognition to his staff. Anyone can win trophy, but it takes a team to win a championship. And Fitz and his staff are a team. ;)


airJackie said...

Mr. Kitty this picture will go in the living room with the other kids pictures. Yes I see the twinkle in his eye but also the eyebrow is raised that means he's thinking of something. He does look GQ.

I like having picture of the special people in my life. I learned that's why God gave us a photographic memory so we can take the picture with us where ever we go. I know you don't have kittens Mr. Kitty but for me all I have to do is close my eyes and I see the faces of the people I love.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Most likely, he has a photographic memory and he was trying to figure out where he saw my owner before, and/or how my owner knew you.

I am going with the former because he kept looking at my owner a couple of times from across the room before she even approached him with the camera. She waited until the room cleared out a little.

You should thank Biloxi. Without his little prodding, my owner might have been too shy to ask for a picture and there would have been more chicken than just on the plate. But, she got over the shy thing because it was for you.

Wow, it's really past the cat's bedtime!

SP Biloxi said...

Thank you to Kittybowtie's owner for having the guts to take a picture of the Rugby Man and Mr. Grant. I know that there were a lot of people at the event. And I appreciate Fitz and Grant of taking the time to be photographed. I wasn't there but I was there in spirit. ;-)

SP Biloxi said...

I will be forwarding the two postings and pics of the Rugby Man's event to Waterflake. She will also be proud of the Rugby Man's award.