Friday, October 26, 2007

Results of last week's poll.

Question was asked last week:

The Iranian government wants Russia to block a Western push for tougher UN sanctions over Iran's controversial nuclear programme. Do think Russia should help resolve Iran's nuclear stand-off?

Majority of the readers answered yes. This week's poll is now up.


airJackie said...

No worrries President Putin just kicked baby Georgie's butt. Yes he told the US he would use all the power of Russia to protect Iran. Now if Bush/Cheney illegally attack Iran the US will have the Middle Eastern leaders and Russia to attack the US.

Cheney will most likely leave for Dubai as he is still CEO of Halliburton and just watch on TV as the US is attacked.

Anonymous said...

The Gerbil Administration is acting like a rabid dog looking for something to attack. It's frightning, and Congress needs a backbone. I heard the Gerbil crying how he needs more money for Iraq........and then Purina,.......oh my gosh, what, I mean really, really, what do other countries think when they hear this, seriously, then there are people who really believe in the Gerbil........

KittyBowTie1 said...

The Gerbil is easily distracted, like a kid with ADHD. Quick! Someone tell the Gerbil that rich kids are getting sick with MRSA!!! It will be bird flu all over again.

SP Biloxi said...

"It will be bird flu all over again."