Friday, October 26, 2007

Memo to CNN: Please change Beck's diaper.

Crooks and Liars:

Glenn Beck: “The reality is that no one, not one person, has ever died as a result of nuclear energy in this country.”

Um, that is just so not true. CNN will never be “The Most Trusted Name in News” as long as they keep this idiot dissembler on their network. Not only is nuclear energy not safe, it’s far from clean, or cheap & efficient , despite what Beck and Inhofe claim in this segment.

And I guess we all are dinosaurs on this earth if we rely on Beck's views. I think Beck is really O'Reilly's half brother.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Yeah, and the two of them are sharing a brain, which explains why both of them act like they have half of a brain.

SP Biloxi said...

"Yeah, and the two of them are sharing a brain, which explains why both of them act like they have half of a brain."

Ha Ha! Yup, two minds think alike in the aspect of Beck and O'Reilly.