Monday, October 15, 2007

Lindsey Graham throws Lt. Gen. Sanchez under the Bus.

Crooks and Liars:

Sanchez: There is no question that America is living a nightmare with no end in sight,” he told reporters in Arlington, Virginia.

GRAHAM: I appreciate his service, but Abu Ghraib got out of control under his watch, the war in general got out of control under his watch. And it’s not time to blame people, but his criticism is a bit astounding to me given his role in the war itself.—They were poorly trained. They got overwhelmed by circumstance. And we certainly didn’t have situational awareness on his watch.

The surge is a direct result of having to make up for mistakes early on. As far as I’m concerned, he was part of that mistake by being a commander who did not express now — then what he’s saying now. And I know he was asked because I asked him.

Krauthammer on FNS this morning compared his skills to that of General McClellan of the Union army during the civil war: “He chronically overestimated the strength of enemy units and was reluctant to apply principles of mass, frequently leaving large portions of his army unengaged at decisive points.” Full transcript via CNN below the fold.
(Read the rest of this story…)

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now Miss Lindsey a member of the Larry Craig men's room Club has never served in the Military when called. Now he was sucking up to Sanchez when they invaded Iraq now he knows Generals are speaking up because they will be charged with crimes. It's the rats turning on other rats. Don't worry Miss Lindsey will get caught as he is truly light in the loafers.