Sunday, October 14, 2007

Juan Williams: Vampire Kristol Is Pushing For ‘The Next World War’ »

From Thinkprogress:

On Fox News Sunday, right-wing pundit Bill Kristol continued to beat the war drums for a strike against Iran.

“I hope the administration is willing to do what it takes to back Iran off,” he said, adding that “we may need to do stuff across the border.”

NPR’s Mara Liasson claimed that the Bush administration could politically “withstand” an attack against Iran, and that a bombing raid inside Iran would not count as “an all-out war.”

NPR’s Juan Williams noted that Liasson and Kristol were in effect condoning “the next world war”:

WILLIAMS: I think what Bill Kristol is saying is he wants some action against Iran in a way that Israel apparently took action against Syria. And I think what you’re looking at then is the next world war. […]
And if we now say the U.S. is going to take action against Iran, and it’s not as a result of some specific provocative action, then you’re talking about spreading war.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Dang! Calling Kristol (as well as Novakula) is an insult to vampires.

Kiefer (A.K.A. Mr. Alleged DUI) made a great vampire.

SP Biloxi said...

Hey, lay off of Jack Bauer, will ya? Kristol and Novakula are the 21th century vampires: They suck all your blood and salvated all over you like you are a nothing. That is what these two parasites do!

KittyBowTie1 said...

Well, at least Kiefer didn't have the Nick Nolte mug shot from hell.

KittyBowTie1 said...

. . . or go bonkers like Mel . . .

SP Biloxi said...

"Well, at least Kiefer didn't have the Nick Nolte mug shot from hell."

LOL! That's true. Who can ever forget Nolte's mug shot.