Saturday, October 13, 2007

Guilani and the Kerik problem.

With troubles with Kerik, how will this affect Rudy's campaign?

From the Carpetbagger Report:

The New York Daily News noted that Kerik’s latest charges “will have direct implications for Giuliani.” I think that’s a safe assumption.Giuliani’s Kerik problem goes back years, but let’s not forget one key detail: Giuliani’s former chief investigator briefed the mayor on Kerik’s alleged organized crime connections before Giuliani named Kerik police commissioner.

Mr. Giuliani, testifying last year under oath before a Bronx grand jury investigating Mr. Kerik, said he had no memory of the briefing, but he did not dispute that it had taken place, according to a transcript of his testimony.

Mr. Giuliani’s testimony amounts to a significantly new version of what information was probably before him in the summer of 2000 as he was debating Mr. Kerik’s appointment as the city’s top law enforcement officer. Mr. Giuliani had previously said that he had never been told of Mr. Kerik’s entanglement with the company before promoting him to the police job or later supporting his failed bid to be the nation’s homeland security secretary.

This is kind of tough to spin. Either Giuliani knowingly blew off a briefing about Kerik’s ties to organized crime, or Giuliani’s chief investigator warned him about it and Giuliani made Kerik police commissioner anyway.
Giuliani’s defense is a faulty memory. He told the grand jury that he had been briefed on Kerik’s background, possibly more than once, but “must have simply forgotten” the concerns. At one point during the grand jury proceedings, a senior Bronx prosecutor, asked Giuliani, “As you sit here today, your testimony is, and correct me if I am wrong, that you don’t recall ever being told that a close friend of your correction commissioner had been indicted in a federal case?”

Mr. Giuliani responded: “I don’t recall that until 2004. I can’t tell you that it wasn’t, but I don’t — I don’t — I don’t remember.”

Ladies and gentlemen, your Republican front-runner.

A dedication to Rudy and Bernie: You and Me by Lifehouse.


airJackie said...

Rudy's friends will bring his down. Romeny will eat this up. Fred is still sleep but he'll take care of it when he wakes up.
McCain is still made the people of Iowa/NH are all talking about Al Gore.

Rudy did good and he made the NY Crime Family proud. Now it's time to take the money and get out. Maybe Rudy will ask Hillary for a job you never know.

SP Biloxi said...

Bad timing of Bernie's indictment on Rudy. This will hurt his campaign.