Thursday, October 11, 2007

Gropinator bans smoking in cars with kids.

First, there is a ban of smoking in some homes in a city in California and now a ban on smoking in cars with children. What will be next? A ban of drinking in a home?

From AP:

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - California motorists will risk fines of up to $100 next year if they are caught smoking in cars with minors, making their state the third to protect children in vehicles from secondhand smoke.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday signed a bill that will make it an infraction to smoke in a vehicle if someone under age 18 is present. But the traffic stop would have to be made for another offense, such as speeding or an illegal turn, before the driver could be cited for smoking.

The ban, which takes effect Jan. 1, joins a string of smoking prohibitions adopted in California, including a ban on smoking in enclosed workplaces and within 25 feet of a playground.

A Harvard School of Public Health report issued last year said secondhand smoke in cars can be up to 10 times more of a health risk than secondhand smoke in a home.

"Protecting the health of our children is among government's highest responsibilities," said the bill's author, state Sen. Jenny Oropeza, a Democrat. "It is clear that increasing public awareness about the dangers of secondhand smoke is the right thing to do."

At least 20 states and a number of municipalities have considered limiting smoking in cars where minors are present. Arkansas now bans smoking in cars with children age 6 and younger, while Louisiana has limited it when children 13 and younger are in the vehicle. Maine lawmakers will take up the issue in January.

In plain English, the state of California needs the money!!!


airJackie said...

Yes where's my chip? I noticed with all this talk of banning smoking not a word about alcohol. Now we have more drunks then smokers. No ban on porn, child molesting, torture, for hire prostitutes or the famous stance done announced by Larry himself. Law Makers are committing crimes and lying under oath with no law in sight.

Arie thinks it's for the kids protection not to be around smoke but his party doesn't think they need health care either. Now how's the Gropinator going to handle his smoking of the famous cigar? He will ban Californians but he will do as he pleases. Remember he banned smoking at the Capital but he sit up a nice place for himself to smoke those good Cuban Cigars he gets. We have Global Warming as nothing is being done but we must stop the smokers but the cars and buses can blow dirty smoke that will kill you any time they want.

Patriot Girl said...

How about just making it a law that they can only do it on nice days with the windows rolled down?

Taxes on cigarettes just went up again in my state. The tax is higher than they sell product for. And there is also taxation without representation going on. I don't believe the people have concented to this. Someone out there's got it in for the smokers. Albeit it may be an unhealthy habit, but what about big macs and aspertame? I see a high number of deaths and health costs attributed to cholesterol & pharmaceutical side effects every year too.

Anonymous said...

Smoke before you get in a car and after you get out, why would you pollute everyone in your car, especially children.