Thursday, October 11, 2007

Blackwater USA sued in D.C. federal court.

Developing story from Raw Story:

An injured survivor and the three families of men killed in the Baghdad shooting Sept. 16 have filed suit against Blackwater USA in a Washington, D.C. federal court this morning.

The case was brought be the Center for Constitutional Rights and the firms of Burke O’Neil LLC and Akeel & Valentine, P.C.

Injured Talib Mutlaq Deewan and the estates of the deceased men – Himoud Saed Atban, Usama Fadhil Abbass, and Oday Ismail Ibraheem – sued Blackwater and its affiliated companies alleging the firm violated U.S. law and “created and fostered a culture of lawlessness amongst its employees, encouraging them to act in the company’s financial interests at the expense of innocent human life.”

According to the release, "The complaint alleges that Blackwater violated the federal Alien Tort Statute in committing extrajudicial killing and war crimes, and that Blackwater should be liable for claims of assault and battery, wrongful death, intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress, and negligent hiring, training and supervision."


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