Monday, October 15, 2007

From haircuts, cleavage, madrassas, and now the Edwards "scandal."

The media has hit a major low in this. They are scraping from the bottom. Memo to Washington Post: Stick to the campaign issues instead of personal issues!

The Carpetbagger Report:

It’s been an annoyingly silly campaign season, dominated by the media’s inexplicable interest in haircuts, cleavage, and madrassas, but the interest in John Edwards’ adultery “scandal” — which appears to have been made up out of whole cloth — is clearly a new low.

Mickey Kaus, the in-house blogger for the Washington Post-owned Slate, began pushing this nonsense late last week, based on a report in a supermarket tabloid. You know the story was cheap when Mickey proclaimed,

“This isn’t the first time kausfiles hasn’t met Drudge’s journalistic standards!”
Edwards denied the rumor, saying, “The story is false.” Kaus said this denial was far too vague. Edwards later added that the rumors are “completely untrue” and “ridiculous,” before concluding the story was “made up.” Mickey was
troubled by this, too.

[”Made up”] by the Enquirer? Or by one of the people the Enquirer cites? Either way, it’s a direct attack on the integrity of someone (not necessarily a smart move for a politician in Edwards’ position)….

It’s as if Mickey is doing a bad imitation of someone trying to make a fool out of himself.

Why would the Washington Post want to finance this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH my, with all the real skeletans in the closets of all of the GOP candidates, they come up with this on Edwards, with Rudia out in front the Democrats are playing nice by not calling him Rudia and putting all kinds of drag queen pictures out there, and there are a lot of them, it's not like he was Rudia once or twice.........