Monday, October 15, 2007

The Real Rudy/Rudia: no-bid contracts, 9/11, and the Motors.

From Thinkprogress:

In a report examining the response to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the U.S. Fire Administration determined that on-scene “communications were a serious problem” in terms of establishing “control of the incident.” When then-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani sought to replace the faulty radios used in 1993, he awarded a no-bid contract to Motorola, which again provided faulty radios. Today, Brave New Films has released a web video detailing the negative impact Giuliani’s no-bid decision had on firefighters on 9/11.

Once Motorola was given the contract, the price jumped from $1.4 million to $14 million.

From Robert Greenwald:

Rudy Giuliani is running for office on how he handled 9/11 and here we have
proof positive that firemen were killed because his administration did not fix the long-standing (since 1993!) problems with the radios.

This BNF investigative report calls attention to four key questions about Rudy's handling of the broken radios from firemen's families and experts:

• Why was nothing done to improve FDNY radio performance for seven years after a clear need was demonstrated in the 1993 World Trade Center attack?
• When new radios were finally ordered, why did the city block other companies besides Motorola from bidding on the contract?
• Once Motorola was given the contract, why did its cost jump from $1.4 million to $14 million?
• Why were these new radios never tested?

Watch the video:

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