Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Faux Noose: Al Qaeda is causing the CA wildfires.

Unbelievable. This newsstation has hit rock bottom..


This morning on Fox News, hosts of the show Fox and Friends blamed the wildfires in California on a new culprit: al Qaeda. They pointed to a 2003 FBI memo, which raised the possibility that al Qaeda may try to set wildfires around the western United States. They also noted that men in a “hovering helicopter” saw “a guy starting one of these fires.


airJackie said...

Yes and see how many stupid Americans believe it. Next the GOP will say it was Al Qeada who cause the US economy debt and sub prime problems. Look it's either Al Qaeda did it or the Democrats never the Bush Administration. Al Qaeda even stopped the Children's Health Care program in the US. Larry Craig got caught it was Al Qaeda's fault. Fingers Foley got caught it was Al Qaeda fault. The list goes on.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Al Qaeda cause Katrina as well?
I'll wait for Osama's latest video on pyromania to come out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this one! I needed a good laugh!

KittyBowTie1 said...

Al Qaeda didn't want Mormon Marie Osmond winning "Dancing with the Stars" so they started the wildfires so she would pass out in LA.

Don't forget Al Qaeda is responsible for global warming. Wait, global warming doesn't exist in the Faux Noose world, it's just something Al Gore made up.

Anonymous said...

LOL Kitty, Faux Noose dosen't believe in Global Warming.......

really it's the feel good Noise station for the GOP, they get warm and fuzzy feelings watching Falafel guy rant and rave, and Weasel Hannity talking over his invited guest who is there to, well.....umm supposed to be there to tell the other side.....but the weasel, well weasels in and does not let that guest get a word in edge wise........and the special GOP treat is Annie Creature, anti semetic Annie.