Wednesday, October 24, 2007

‘Brownie’ available to talk about wildfire response.

Memo to California: Waste of time!

I noticed that the evacuations from the fires went smoothly without any assistance of FEMA! That should be a clue to Brownie!


Former FEMA director Michael Brown, who mismanaged the Bush administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina, released a press release yesterday stating he is “available for interviews” on the wildfires and even drew a parallel between the current situation and Katrina:

Mr. Brown can speak to the turmoil being caused by the California wildfires as well as to some of the new processes in disaster relief efforts that will help to restore California communities. He can offer advice to residents and businesses on proper relief and recovery efforts and provide suggestions for future disaster preparedness. […]

Currently, the brush fires are affecting hundreds of local businesses and have forced more than 500,000 people out of their homes. Of these 500,000 people, an estimated 10,000 of them have taken shelter at the local NFL stadium, Qualcomm, vaguely reminiscent of circumstances of Hurricane Katrina evacuees two years ago.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Crooks stick together. Brownie will always have friends. Here's a make who watch hundreds of Americans die on TV while he eat and picked out shirts to wear. He learned 4 days later from a Journalist that FEMA was needed. When he got their he allowed the FEMA employees to steal the victims money for boats, sex change, divorce, homes, sports tickets and cars. Now the victims didn't get the money because it was all gone as Bush praised Brownie for doing a great job.