Friday, October 26, 2007

ARTICEL SPOTLIGHT: "That's a long story"

The Fitz and Grant encore are back! I emailed Waterflake earlier the two links of the postings of the Fitz's award event in Chicago. Before she left for her flight to Germany today, she posted one of my postings in Newsinkling along with the photo of Robert Grant and Fitzgerald. Now, Fitz and Grant have gone internationally. Cheers to Waterflake for posting it on the website! Have a wonderful weekend folks!

Written by Biloxi
Freitag, 26 Oktober 2007

This is a treat for all "Justice League Bloggers", "From the desk of Patrick J. Fitzgerald" Fans and SP Biloxi supporters... Enjoy!
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald was very kind in being willing to pose, and for getting FBI Special Agent Robert D. Grant to be in the picture, too. Agent Grant wanted to know who “Jackie the Blogger” was and Mr. Fitzgerald replied that it was a “long story.” Someone can fill in Agent Grant about the story later.More from Newsinkling.


airJackie said...

Congratulations SPB this is good news and I know the overseas viewers will love Fitz too.
I'm glad to see that the international viewers have a correct information as money blogs are either late with the news and the Media is reporting what the What house has to say only.

Fitz better be careful when traveling now as he name is now recognized as one of the honest American lawyers.

KittyBowTie1 said...


By the way, this is a better picture to see at the top of Biloxi's blog. When I come to this site, it is always a grab bag as to what will appear. Will it be the Gerbil wearing the Joker's make up? Will it be Rudy/Rudoria high kicking with the Rockettes? Will it be Darth Vader? Will it be some other horribly frightening picture?

Speaking of Darth Vader, there is a quote from this week's issue of "Time" in which Cheney says that being called Darth Vader is one of the more nicer things people have called him.

KittyBowTie1 said...

My owner can add more to last night's festivities. A great award for journalism went out to a reporter for the "Chicago Sun-Times," Tim Novak, who found that the City of Chicago was paying $30 million a year to city workers complaining that they were injured on the job. Most of those injuries were not legit so all those people were getting paid for nothing. Oh, they sometimes put in work when it was time to re-elect Mayor Daley.

When former prosecutor Patrick Collins introduced his former boss, he quoted heavily from the Little Pink Clubhouse blog about the reaction that Mr. Fitzgerald is engaged. Read the link and then you will know why Collins presented him with a box of Frango chocolates and a box of Kleenex.

My owner wrote down some of Mr. Fitzgerald's speech. Yes, he praised his staff over and over. He also praised jurors, pointing out that he sees them taking their responsibilities seriously and they follow instructions. Jurors should get more respect. Besides getting information from the press, he said that Chicago journalists are "knowledgeable" and come to press conferences prepared. [Note to FEMA, do not try any stunts with fake Chicago journalists, we will know a fake when we see it.]

On corruption, people take bribes but those who know it have a responsibility and "obligation" to "speak up" about it. On gangbangers and corrupt officials, they try to go after the worst, to make others "think twice" about it.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I must speak, I don't get it? I really don't. Why do these women think he is so good looking and sexy? Maybe I am not old enough to get it.

KittyBowTie1 said...

For Third Generation, for once, brains count.

Smart is sexy.

Although, I must say some of those women act like immature high school kids.

The Gerbil won't be making any list like that because he is not smart nor good looking.

PrissyPatriot said...

Yeah 3rd Gen, brains do count;) but only so much LOL

SP Biloxi said...


Thanks for the cliff notes of Fitz's speech. Again, I am glad thart he is giving praise to his staff and jurors. People need to know that he couldn't do his job without his team.

KittyBowTie1 said...

The folks at the Better Government Association gave the award to everyone on staff at the DOJ, Northern District and at the FBI office. The spokesperson at the BGA said that they knew they could not just give the award to the two men because they figured they would not accept it unless ALL of their staff would be included.

Those two men are real people, without egos. The world would be a better place if more people were like that.