Saturday, October 27, 2007

And how are the GOP Presidential candidates doing in the polls?

Smack him Uncle Sam!

TPM election central:

A new Rasmussen poll has Mitt Romney still ahead in the New Hampshire primary:

Romney 28%

Giuliani 19%

McCain 16%

Huckabee 10%

Thompson 6%

Notice how Fred Thompson appears to have really fallen flat in the key primary state.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Fred Thompson is clueless on global warming. Check out what Donald Kaul wrote.

Anonymous said...

Thompson is behind McCain, and the writing is on the wall for McCain.

The transvestites all will for for Guiliani, that's Rudia's biggest base

Anonymous said...

Kitty interesting article, and he put his last digs in on Annie Creature. Speaking of the beast, I was listening to news radio in Chicago (WGN) when they were ripping her/it to shreds, and some crazed sympathic caller called in and said all her stuff is really tongue and cheek and people don't get that when they hear, read it's stuff.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Horseface gets called "pundit" while Colbert gets called "comedian."

Nice try by that crazed caller, though. At least that person does not believe everything Horseface writes and says.