Saturday, August 18, 2007

TPMtv: Fact Check: Romney vs. Obama

Great job, Josh!!!

Mitt Romney recently attacked Barack Obama over his comments regarding the war in Afghanistan and the need for more troops on the ground, so as to reduce the reliance on air raids that have often resulted in Afghan civilian casualties. Romney called Obama's comments "outrageous" and "a suggestion that somehow our troops are not noble and dignified." But even a quick glance at the realities of the situation in Afghanistan shows that Romney has remarkably little understanding of the facts.

Afghan president decries civilian deaths
Romney Smacks Obama in New Foreign Policy Dust Up
Fact Check: Obama on Afghanistan

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

I met an Army surgeon who was stationed in Afghanistan. You betcha there are/were civilian deaths and injuries.

Now, the other type of injuries that are out there are what the good doc called "girl-goat injuries." While the boys and men are out doing what they need to do, little girls are left to tend to the goats. There is some kind of goat head-butting that they do to the little girl's arms that causes some major but not life threatening injuries. The Army docs do surgery on these little girls to repair the injuries they get from the nasty goats. That does provide help to the Afghan people, although if the men and boys were not busy, perhaps there would be fewer girl-goat injuries. Without the surgery, the little girls' arms would not heal on their own.

I also saw the new type of work the docs do on the really injured soldiers. Rather than try to do all of the surgery in M.A.S.H.-type hospitals, they stabilize the injured, stop the bleeding, do not sew up the open wounds, pack the wounds in a special type of plastic, and ship the injured off in a plane to Germany for the full surgery. Pictures of that are hard to stomach. If the American people saw more pictures of raw, ripped open flesh of our soldiers packed in that plastic stuff, they would really want all the soldiers home. I've never seen any of that on any of the American media. I saw it because the good doc had a photographer there taking pictures of their medical procedures because they were constantly trying to improve what they were doing.