Friday, July 13, 2007

Cartoon for Friday: Fighting the Terrorists At Home



airJackie said...

At lease Osama was honest when he said no one would ever have to attack the United States again as we would always be in fear. Chertoff's gut hurts and to him it means Osama. Cheney is like a recording. Bush is way out there in his own world. Rove is busy working on a one party system.
SPB you asked about Osama well he's most likely on vacation you know his other son got married to a lady from England. Most likely there was a big celebration and alot of food. Michael Moore was right when his movie showed the friendship and business partnership of the Bush family and the Bin Liden family.
The Bush Administration has been lying from day one and just keep recycling the lies as needed. Now one doesn't know what the other is talking about. If American look like their ready to clean up the US Bush starts with 9/11 terrorist or Al Qaeda. That puts the fear back in Americans. The Middle East is laughing all the way to their bank with taxpayers money.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I've got some Tums for Chertoff.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Oh, I figured there is some appopropriations bills up for approval from Congress. Does Homeland want more dough? Is there another critical vote on Iraq in the Senate (like there isn't one every day). I figured Chertoff's comments were timed to scare Congress in to giving more money to some pet security project.

SP Biloxi said...

"I've got some Tums for Chertoff."


Give him a roll of tums kittybowtie!

SP Biloxi said...

"I figured Chertoff's comments were timed to scare Congress in to giving more money to some pet security project."

Yes, it is both a scare tactic to the American people, request for more troops, and more money for the Gerbil's pet project. Oh, kittybowtie. I am not the only person who made the comment of Chertoff having gas when he made that stupid comment about having a "gut feeling" that the U.S. will be attacked. Check this out. I received an email of an article from Thinkprogress:

Chertoff's Gastronomy

Chertoff should not be announcing terrorist threats based on his gastrointestinal murmurs. State and local officials need solid intelligence in order to properly prepare.