Thursday, June 14, 2007

Mr. Prosecutor; A job well done.

Looks like the notorious eyebrow of the rugby man is raised because:

1. He hates going to D.C.

2. The D.C. pool of media sharks irritates the heck out of him.

3. Libby's cry game of court hearing ruined the rugby man's daily routine of his usual 9:00 am twinkie break: donuts and Starbucks coffee.

My thoughts from today's court ruling. Waterflake will be posting my new article for her readers on soon.

Judge Walton to Libby: Motion denied. Libby reports to prison

Today, Judge Walton stated he will not delay 30 month prison sentence for Scooter Libby. Walton stated that “he will rule on the obstruction charge sentence to 30 months, to perjury 24 months, to false statements 6 months, all to run concurrently. Walton said, “Mr. Libby, you have right to appeal.” From Firedoglake website, Libby exited the court room escorted by marshals through the door. There will be no press conferences from the prosecution and the defense team.

The process of Libby’s reporting to prison goes to Bureau of Prisons, which will likely take six to eight weeks to process the matter and require Libby to report so he can begin serving his sentence. No date has been set for Libby to report to prison. From Walton’s decision to send Libby to prison, this forces the defense team to go the appeals court to block the sentence and could force President Bush to consider calls from Libby’s supporters to pardon the former aide. More importantly, Libby’s fate will force President Bush to make a decision: loyalty vs. legacy. All eyes will be on President Bush’s next move.

P.S. Nice tie! :D

Update: Response from White House Deputy Press Secretary Dana Perino:

Scooter Libby still has the right to appeal, and therefore the president will continue not to intervene in the judicial process. The president feels terribly for Scooter, his wife and their young children, and all that they’re going through.

Update 2: From Fox News: Sources say VP Cheney will be pushing hard for a presidential pardon for Scooter Libby…”

And of course, Mr. 9% is pushing hard for a pardon for the little soldier. Covering his ass, looking out for his assets, and looking out for Mr. 9% himself are the Dickster's major priorities.


airJackie said...

Love that sexy look. Thank you for serving the American people, because of you/team and Judge Walton people can believe again. The ball is in the Gerbils court now. He will have to pardon a convicted criminal or let him go to jail. So many crimes have been committed by this Administration it's hard to keep up with. This Administration has been a lawyers dream as the courts will be fulled for a long time to come with all the crimes committed. The joke is that the Bush Administration tells other countries to look at the US as an example, thanks to Bushie we are worse then Saddam. We even dumped our mustard gas in the ocean.

KittyBowTie1 said...

My favorite 'example' was Bush telling Putin that Russia needed a democracy like that of Iraq. Who does the Gerbil think he is, Dan Quayle?????

That was a nice picture. Only Jackie gets to the use the word "sexy." ;-)

SP Biloxi said...

"Only Jackie gets to the use the word 'sexy.'

And other women who used the word 'sexy' to the rugby man gets hosed down by the 'no comment' man, Randall. LOL!

I'm certainly not going to comment about Fitz's look. I'll leave that alone... ;-)

KittyBowTie1 said...

"And other women who used the word 'sexy' to the rugby man gets hosed down by the 'no comment' man, Randall. LOL!"

Or federal marshalls, the FBI, etc. After idiots sent Judge Walton some nonsense because they are mad about the Libby trial, my guess is those folks are all on heightened alert.

SP Biloxi said...

"After idiots sent Judge Walton some nonsense because they are mad about the Libby trial, my guess is those folks are all on heightened alert."

That is true, kittybowtie. But, keep in mind that all death threats to a judge, attorney, and even to an everyday working person are taken seriously. I should know about death threats from personal experience. It is a very serious matter. So, I do hope that the idiots who threaten Judge Walton are caught.