Thursday, June 14, 2007

More trouble for Gonzo: Gonzo bypasses Senate to appoint interim USA.

From Thinkprogress:

This morning, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) “revealed that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales once again used an interim appointment authority at the heart of the US Attorneys controversy that Congress banned in a bill sent to the President for signature on June 4.” In a statement to Raw Story, Leahy’s spokeswoman explained what happened:

“It just so happens the committee got notice yesterday, that on June 16, George Cardona’s 210 days as Acting U.S. Attorney in the Central District of California will have run out and the Attorney General will appoint him as an interim U.S. Attorney at that time. (i.e. still using the end-run authority because Bush has slow-walked signing the bill).”
Cardona replaced former U.S. attorney Debra Wong Yang, who at one point had been
named for firing by Harriet Miers before resigning to join a corporate law firm


The Senate Judiciary Committee revealed today that the Justice Department’s Inspector General Glenn Fine is investigating whether Attorney General Alberto Gonzales may have acted unethically or illegally by attempting to “coach” Monica Goodling’s testimony.

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