Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Itchy & Scratchy show: Missing Emails Found.

Even a caveman knows that emails can never be deleted. WH is simply using the stall tactic with Congress.

From Thinkprogress:

Today, during a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting, Leahy revealed that the White House does indeed have the emails, but has yet to turn them over to Congress:

The White House stonewalling the congressional investigative committees continues this pattern of confrontation over cooperation. We all remember when they first announced to us that significant e- mails that we wanted had been destroyed. They’d been lost. I stated on the floor of the Senate that it’s relatively easy to find those lost e-mails. This brought another blast from the White House, saying that I obviously had no understanding of how the Internet works and of course that couldn’t be done.

To their credit, the White House has now told me they — well, yes indeed, I was right; they were wrong. The e-mails are found. They were there in a backup system, although they have yet to give them.

Now that their claim of “lost” emails has been proven false, the White House must turn them over to Congress. Claims of executive privilege are not sufficient to deny these emails to congressional investigators as the use of “Republican Party-sponsored” email addresses significantly undermines any claims to such privilege.

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