Friday, May 25, 2007

Odd News: Folks, doggie doo can be free speech.

Colorado jury agrees that "doggie doo can be free speech." A political activist faced a "misdemeanor charge of criminal use of a noxious substance" after leaving "a campaign flyer filled with dog poop" at the office of a politician. But the jury agreed that her statement -- the politician's positions "stink" -- was covered by free speech.
And I guess it is safe to say that the bird expressed his free speech on George Bush's suit at his press conference yesterday.


KittyBowTie1 said...

That activist can leave the doggie business at the postcard politician in Illinois, to see if he would deny reading it.

SP Biloxi said...

Ha Ha! Good one, kittybowtie. I was rolling on that!

Maybe all of us send a doggie postcard to the little soldier when he is in the pokey. Telling him that we are all thinking about him. ;-)