Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fitz's sentencing memorandum for Libby

Click to enlarge. The Government filed an 18 page sentencing memorandum for I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby today.

In the memorandum, the Government says Libby's guidelines are 30 to 37 months and asks the Court to follow the guidelines.

Here is Fitz's sentencing memo.
Here is Fitz's sentencing memo exhibit.

Now, Libby may use to stall tactic to exhaust all appeals in order to drag this case into next year. The real question: will President Bush pardoned Libby? Let's hope not!


Anonymous said...

The Gerbil has done just about everything that defies reason.....why not pardon Libby? It would only be keeping up with the Gerbil charactor.

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

If the Gerbil decides to pardon Libby (and that is if), his legacy is finished. He will leave office in disgrace. But, don't forgert that there are certain players that are convicted or indicted or under investigation in connection to the Gerbil that could destroy the Gerbil. Libby is small fish compare to others that are the Gerbil's pals.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I thought his legacy was finished at least four years ago . . .

SP Biloxi said...


This time the Gerbil's legacy will be nailed in the coffin for good.