Thursday, May 03, 2007

Bush is now the Commander Guy...

He is the Commander Guy, after all. Bush has a clear plan for Iraq, he described it to us today:

"By the way, in the report it said, it is -- the government may have to put in more troops to be able to get to that position. And that's what we do. We put in more troops to get to a position where we can be in some other place. The question is, who ought to make that decision? The Congress or the commanders? And as you know, my position is clear -- I'm the commander guy."


Anonymous said...

It's time to pull out, they seem to be capturing/killing a new Al qaida higher up every day. ya, right, at this rate the war should be over soon.

Anonymous said...

As you watch the developments in Baghdad, it's important to understand that we will not be able to prevent every al Qaeda attack. When a terrorist is willing to kill himself to kill others, it's really hard to stop him. Yet, over time, the security operation in Baghdad is designed to shrink the areas where al Qaeda can operate, it's designed to bring out more intelligence about their presence, and designed to allow American and Iraqi forces to dismantle their network.

We have a strategy to deal with al Qaeda in Iraq.

Al Qaeda was not a big presence in Iraq when we first went it, it was Saddam with WMDs. It has been proven there were no Al Qaeda links to Saddam, and Saddam kept them out of Iraq.
Now mission accomplished......Al Qaeda is running amock in Iraq, used to be Afghanistan, but now Iraq is Al Qaeda territory.

SP Biloxi said...

Ad the Gerbil should allow the Iraqi government to take care of their country and make a transition to withdraw the U.S. troops out.