Thursday, May 03, 2007

And here is a GOP candidate is out of touch with reality.

Stick to acting on Law and Order, Fred!

Fred Thompson: MoveOn, Reid Are Taking ‘Extremist Positions And Doing Extremist Things’

Last night on Hannity & Colmes, former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-TN) claimed that congressional leaders are “adhering, to the extent they can, to the most left-wing element of their base. You know, and those folks are running the Democratic Party. And they’re taking extremist positions and doing extremist things.” He added: “Harry Reid is doing things that I think the American people are going to reject.”

Thompson has been out of politics for some time and apparently hasn’t been following U.S. public opinion very closely.

And obviously Fred doesn't get out much... Folks, I might have start the Justice League 12 step program for people like Fred that have no political life left except to attack bloggers and lived in a bubble! He needs help. And to go on the asswipe show of Fox News nimrods? Fred must have been acting in his role as District Attorney Arthur Branch when he went on Hannity and Colmes. And is Executive D.A. Jack McCoy going to be Fred's running mate for V.P.?

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