Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Meanwhile in Chi-Town..

<---Thanks Chicago Native on the update on Fitz.
I smell a snowjob done on Fitz in this case.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Nice try but it wont work. It's common for a criminal to say he didn't get his rights or his statement was forced. Now we are to believe that this man is telling the truth or was he given an offer he couldn't refuse from the White House. since Gonzo lies under oath we can't believe him. Look for other convicted criminals come out of the wood work with appeals as the DOJ scandals continue. As for Patrick J. Fitzgerald we know what kind of Proscutor he is and yes people around the world know of his honesty and Justice. He has proven he honors the oath he took as a lawyer. Tell Karl Rove this plan wont fly.