Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bush on Iraq + Bush on Social Insecurity = Crapola.

Dan Froomkin on Bush’s new bubble:
President Bush’s public campaign to push back against Congressional demands for withdrawal from Iraq is becoming highly reminiscent of his failed effort two years ago to win support for a radical overhaul of Social Security.
The meticulously choreographed settings, the carefully controlled audiences, the mind-numbing repetition of hoary talking points (with a particular emphasis on stoking fears) — it’s like deja vu.
And so is the result: A public that is apparently more turned off to Bush’s ideas the more he talks about them.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

That's right talk to the hand. Nothing Bush says is heard anymore. After lying since 2000 who can believe a word he says. Some Americans did beleive just because he is the President but they got played.