Friday, April 20, 2007

McCain is like a growth between armpits..

From a new Fox News poll:
One Senator recently claimed that setting a date for a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq is more accurately described as a date for surrender — do you think it is accurate to compare withdrawal with surrender?
Yes: 33 percent
No: 61 percent
Now who could that one Senator be?

MCCAIN: Supporters of this provision say they want a date certain for a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. But what they have offered us is more accurately described as a date certain for surrender


Anonymous said...

Oh my, his family needs to start checking out Senior assisted living centers for him.

airJackie said...

McCain is to late for the White House job. He had it in his hand in 2000 for the taking but gave it to George W. Bush for the good of the Republican party. Now he'll never get a chance to be President. His mind is gone and his body is falling apart. Nothing is going right as he uses the lies and spin. If only he had not sold out to the criminal GOP.

SP Biloxi said...

"Oh my, his family needs to start checking out Senior assisted living centers for him."

LMAO! Ha Ha! His family may check that out when he doesn't make the cut as the candidate for Prez. McCain is lost in translation.