Friday, April 20, 2007

Washington Disconnects With Americans. Again. Is it something in the water?


As I wrote once before, my biggest misreading of the American mood over the past few years was my perception that people were much more hostile to immigrants, especially illegal immigrants, than they actually are. I am utterly astonished by this.

WASHINGTON — While Congress and the White House remain divided over what to do with the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants living in the USA, a new poll shows the American public appears to have reached a consensus on the question.

A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken last weekend found that 78% of respondents feel people now in the country illegally should be given a chance at citizenship.


Anonymous said...

This way they can pay taxes.

airJackie said...

Farming industry and other businesses have hired immigrates to work at wages that the States and Government don't allow. The United States was founded by immigrates and taken from the Indians. Now with the Axis of Evil running the White House, America thinks they can control the world and bring back history of rich/poor. Each person in the United States brings value. Yes the immigrates want to pay their way but they want to be treated with respect. I remember during the 60's as jobs, education was open to all Americans our government had no problem with immigrates doing the jobs the Americans wouldn't. Now that good jobs are going overseas the government is looking at the immigrates jobs for Americans to do.