Thursday, March 08, 2007

Will Scooter Libby be pardoned by Bush?

I started pondering this question on people's mind: Will Scooter Libby be pardoned by Bush? Of course, the Administration is capable of anything and will coverup their lies and deception. Bush may pardoned Libby to save his legacy and his lies. However, he will have to change the Justice Department guidelines in order to do it and make that happen:

§ 1.2 Eligibility for filing petition for pardon.

No petition for pardon should be filed until the expiration of a waiting period of at least five years after the date of the release of the petitioner from confinement or, in case no prison sentence was imposed, until the expiration of a period of at least five years after the date of the conviction of the petitioner. Generally, no petition should be submitted by a person who is on probation, parole, or supervised release.


Anonymous said...

Oh Pa Leezee.......that would just ruin every last ounce of credibility of what?? this administration has left

Anonymous said...

Trivia question of the day.

Who is going to Disney World?

Answer, did you guess right?

I am as ruraly challanged as you can get, I did not know the difference between a cow and a bull until I went downstate to college, oh I also found out the wire that holds them in is electric. Also when a cow lifts its tail, get out of the way.
Well I have never witnessed cow tipping, and after the electric fence ordeal, I don't think I ever will. I think I'll stick to seeing farm animals at the Zoo, I know my limitations.

Anonymous said...

Newt had an affair during Clinton investigation

didn't Jesse Jackson console Clinton while........ The GOP has no room to talk......

Anonymous said...

Gingrich has said he is waiting to see how the Republican field shapes up before deciding in the fall whether to run.

Reports of extramarital affairs have dogged him for years as a result of two messy divorces, but he has refused to discuss them publicly.

Gingrich, who frequently campaigned on family values issues, divorced his second wife, Marianne, in 2000 after his attorneys acknowledged Gingrich's relationship with his current wife, Callista Bisek, a former congressional aide more than 20 years younger than he is.

Guiliani, Gingrich who wants the GOP/GOD ticket?

SP Biloxi said...


Was there a kitty law school that you attended? I heard that there is job opening for Attorney General vacated by a fruit picker. lol Seriously, Waxamn know that Fitz can't tell him ceetain aspects of the case. Remember, Waxman ask Fitz to the hearing voluntarily. Regardless of his decsion, Ms. Wilson is going anyway. And she doesn't have to.

Guiliani and Newt? That's worse than sin. Well, we do know that neither one of them can't run on family values.

airJackie said...

Bush will have to break the law again to pardon Liibby. Now Fitz will see that his story of how this case unfolded and who the players were will come to light. Like Rosa Parks, Fitz allowed the truth to come out now it's time others take the lead to bring charges against the criminals. Waxman will get the answers and more information will come forward.
Now the Republicans have 3 losers and Newt. Rudy with his family problems and many many wives. Mitt is the new Solomon with knee pads for his extra women. McCain is to far up Bush he can't see the light of day. Now word is Hagal will run for President which will be interesting since the Republican voters don't like the three stooges.