Thursday, March 08, 2007

Gonzo and the Administration cave in on U.S. Attorney Law

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other senators met with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales this afternoon. According to Schumer, Gonzales said the White House will not oppose reversing the PATRIOT Act provision that allows U.S. Attorneys to be installed without Senate approval:

“While we didn’t get any better explanation for these unprecedented firings, two important developments came from this meeting. First, the Attorney General told us the Administration would not oppose our legislation requiring Senate confirmation for all U.S. Attorneys. Second, in one form or another, each of the five Department of Justice witnesses will be made available to us for questioning. The details and venue are still being worked out, but we are hopeful they will cooperate.”

Good! They should give those canned attorneys their jobs back!

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