Monday, March 05, 2007

What Inhofe thinks of himself.

An Inhofe gem from last week that we missed: “Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) got the crowd [at CPAC] cheering early in the day. ‘I have been called — my kids are all aware of this — dumb, crazy man, science abuser, Holocaust denier, villain of the month, hate-filled, warmonger, Neanderthal, Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun,’ he announced. ‘And I can just tell you that I wear some of those titles proudly.’”



Anonymous said...

This GOP has got to be running with the same crowd as Ann Creature.

Anonymous said...

As the Chimp runs off to the Latin Countries, and Cheney gets his calf taken care of:

5 women, several children, among civilian dead in Afghanistan
It is the second time in as many days that NATO or U.S. forces may have accidentally killed civilians. Protests erupted almost immediately after the attack. Hundreds of demonstrators reportedly blocked off key roads as they chanted anti-American and anti-western slogans.

At least 38 people died and 105 were injured, said Raad Jabar, a Health Ministry official. But the final casualty count may not be clear until Tuesday. Fire crews still battled the blazes more than 12 hours after the attack, said civil defense Maj. Gen. Abdul Rasoul al-Zaidi. Unfortunatley things are not getting better

Anonymous said...

Salah update

SP Biloxi said...

Salah asked permission to go to Walt Disney World? Next thing you know, he will asking to go on a month cruise!

Anonymous said...

Woooooo you seem to be missing some parts on your avatar...

Good news on Libby...well not for

SP Biloxi said...

Just the victory red tie for today. I will change back my avatar later...