Monday, March 05, 2007

Questions from jurors from the Libby trial Part Four

We just received a note that two teams will return to court to review a note from the jury. Whew hew, the media room jumps to life at the chance of doing … something.
The two legal teams appear to have the note. Some animated discussion. Jeffress appears to be a happy man, Team Fitz appears to be pressured. Now both sides are quietly reading the note.
He heard me!! I said, "I think Jeffress looks a lot happier," and he winked at me. We're all getting sicko.
Okay, Team Libby asked for some dugout time to discuss this, so now we're reconvening at 4:30.
Just to avoid any confusion. Jeffress didn't wink at me. As far as we know, this is not a two-way close-circuit TV.
From Pach 4:22 PM EST: I didn't think Jeffress looked happy. I saw that Fitz was ready to confer with the defense for 10 minutes in the courtroom to work out a joint response, and Wells turned to "Bill" Jeffress with some animation to argue for a private caucus among defense counsel to think about a response. That led to
Wells' request for extra time, which court staff conveyed to the judge (who was not in the room). Walton responded the request for extra time was granted. That's what I saw.
emptywheel back. Damn. I thought someone was winking at me. It's pretty dull here, in Prettyman land. You take what you can get.
Fitz in. Definitely no smiles. They're writing a response. Oh wait–Bonamici gave me a smile! (I'd much rather have her winking at me than Jeffress.)
Here comes Team Libby. Now everyone looks serious. Except Libby–we've already discussed his facial expressions, no? One of the Team Libby associates is shaking his head.
Both sides are discussing this now, but out of range of the camera. All I can see is Pach, looking VERY INTENTLY toward the discussion. Kedian and Zeidenberg joining in late.
I do believe we've managed a 10 lawyer conference. With poor Libby deserted there at his table.
4:33 pm ET

More on the story.

Update: This may be backwards. It now appears from Jane at Firedoglake and Matt Appuzo of the AP, both of whom were in court, that at least one of the jury's latest three questions pertain to Count 3, the false statements charge against Libby, as it pertains to Matt Cooper. From Matt:

Jurors asked whether they could use Libby's grand jury testimony, which was played in court, as evidence that Libby lied during an earlier FBI interview. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said the answer should be ``yes,'' but Libby's lawyers say one thing is not evidence of the other.

Walton sent jurors home and said he would answer the questions Tuesday.

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