Sunday, March 11, 2007

Waxman plans hearing on Halliburton move.

And this is why the Dickster and Halliburton moved the headquarters to Dubai...

Time’s Karen Tumulty comments on Halliburton’s plan to move its headquarters from Houston to Dubai: “Is this about tax breaks? Getting beyond the reach of congressional subpoenas? And what about all that sensitive information that Halliburton has had access to? At a minimum, reincorporating in Dubai would mean that Halliburton will be paying less taxes to the U.S. Treasury, even as it collects billions from government contracts.” She also reports, “Henry Waxman is already planning to hold a hearing on this, an aide tells me.”


Roisin Dubh said...

I wonder if there is any way to stop Halliburton from leaving, particularly if a criminal investigation were to be launched? Is that possible?

SP Biloxi said...

Halliburton could be stopped if there is a criminal investigation. So far, Waxman is following the money trail. But, Cheney knows that Waxman is close on his tail. That is why Halliburton has to move their HQ overseas so that if there is a criminal investigation, Dick and the company want mostly the money overseas than in the U.S. when Waxman tries to recover the stolen money by Halliburton.

jan said...

3rd gen. chicago nativesaid:

"Yes they have to set themselves up now because the next WH administration may want to look at things a lot more closely, and getting things out of this country will make it a lot more difficult. I see more of this to come, especially as it gets closer to the end of this WH rein.

Man, this all smells really bad. How many ways are they going to rape and pillage here!!!