Friday, March 02, 2007

Update on the Libby trial...

This just in:

The Libby jury delivered two notes containing questions when they were excused today. Both notes will be available on the public docket later today. Court will convene at 9 a.m. on Monday March 5 to address the notes. Thank you.

Nothing is showing up as yet on PACER, at least not that I am seeing. That's two notes. From the Libby jury.

And we'll be back with live coverage on Monday. You know what I know at the moment.

UPDATE: The text of the two notes is as follows. The first note:

As count I statement 3 (pages 63 & 64) do not contain quotes, are we supposed to evaluate the entire Libby transcripts (testimony) or would the court direct us to specific pages/lines.

Thank you.

And note 2:

We would like clarification of the term "reasonable doubt." Specifically, is it necessary for the government to present evidence that it is not humanly possible for someone not to recall an event in order to find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Here is the jurors' note.

Also, Judge Walton had some thoughts about Cheney's testimony.

Judge Walton: Testimony by Cheney may have helped Libby's acquittal prospects


Anonymous said...

the last note does not sound good for nailing Libby

SP Biloxi said...

I don't think the jurors under the term "reasonable doubt." Hopefully, they will get some clarification on Monday.

SP Biloxi said...

Correction: understand the term "reasonable doubt."

airJackie said...

Have a little faith. The questions are normal. Step back and look at the questions on counts they didn't ask. With no defense to judge it is difficult for the jurors to find guilty on all counts. But by asking questions that just might clear up the few counts in question.

Anonymous said...

Yes the Patrick Collins leaving is big news in this town. I saw his last couple of press conferances and he looked tired, really tired.
This is an interesting read on Patrick Collins

A high ranking military official said here on Friday that even the smallest move against Iran will turn into a grave blast in the region, devastating the United States' interests, meaning that the US is suffering a high level of vulnerability compared with Iran.

Iran has no intention of playing nice with U.S.

Ahmadinejad to visit Saudi Arabia

airJackie said...

TGCN you are so right. Now the US is weak, poor and vulnerable and the world leaders know it. If the shoe were on the other foot the US would take advantage of it. Now Iran and Syria will play this out to their advantage until the US gets a new President. Look for all those plans that Cheney made with Halliburton to be blown away. The foreign leaders will do more harm to Bush/Cheney then the American people. The middle east will get stronger and it will take a real President to undo what Bush/Cheney have done.

Oh on a side note. Remember all the talk about Senator Obama vs Hillary for the black vote. Yes brother Bill took care of that problem. He is receiving an award in Mississippi and he invited Obama and Hill to join him. African Americans work together not fighting each other. Notice the brother was Bill. With Bill their is no color just people. I like the way he thinks. None of us are perfect but we can try to respect each other regardless of race, color or religion.

Anonymous said...

Yes Jackie you are right we will need a really good president to undo this mess.

Anonymous said...

I just don't get it? Why this guy? Way out in front? Is the GOP in this sad of shape?

All I can say is the Democrats (Obama) can blow this transvesite away.

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native,

check out the newest posting about Guliani. There is certainly no lovefest with his kids and his wife.

Anonymous said...

I just hope the Democrats work really hard to get all the trash on this transvesite dug up.
If that was my Dad dressing in drag, I would put a lot of distance there too.