Saturday, March 03, 2007

Coulter had a man-love for Edwards

It’s been a few months since Ann Coulter sparked a media frenzy, and I get the impression hate is to Coulter what air is to mammals. So, when Coulter addressed a packed house at yesterday’s Conservative Political Action Conference, she probably felt it necessary to offend as many people as possible.
Speaking [yesterday] at the Conservative Political Action Conference, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter said: “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I — so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards.” Audience members said “ohhh” and then cheered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is someone clearly writing fiction with no real grip on reality and people listen to her.

She is in true need of a reality check and so is anyone who listens to her.