Friday, March 09, 2007

That was then and this is now...

Christian Science Monitor, 10/15/97

I]t was his trip to a Xerox-sponsored sports center in the Rio slum of Mangueira that won the hearts of many Brazilians and caused a TV commentator to tell his viewers that Clinton’s speech had him on “the verge of tears.”
BBC, 3/9/07

In Sao Paulo, about 10,000 people spilled out along one of the city’s broadest avenues, in the heart of the financial district, banging drums, waving red flags and carrying banners reading “Bush Go Home.” … Many of the demonstrators are angry at the war in Iraq and the proposed ethanol deal, which they say is an attempt to control the country’s production of the bio-fuel which powers eight out of 10 new cars in Brazil.

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