Friday, March 09, 2007

More Casualties From Iraq - Nearly 60,000 U.S. Divorces

The Progressive:

It is the soldiers, their families, and the people of Iraq that pay the human costs. The tab so far: more than 3,000 dead U.S. troops, tens of thousands of wounded, over half a million Iraqi casualties, roughly 250,000 American servicemen and women struggling with PTSD, and almost 60,000 military marriages that have been broken by this war. Read more…

A heckva job that you are doing Georgie with the troops and family values.. This is truly a shame!!!...


Anonymous said...

And not to mention the entire family suffers, and all the physcially disabled as well( as well as mentally changed). The cost is high on the American people, as well as all the Iraqis and all the countries they fled to. Just a real tragedy for a lot of people more than anyone could ever imagine.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes it is...