Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Reaction of Libby's guilty verdict

Fitzgerald speaks:
Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said he was gratified by the verdict."The results are actually sad," he added. "It's sad that we had a situation where a high level official person who worked in the office of the vice president obstructed justice and lied under oath. We wish that it had not happened, but it did."

Joe Wilson:

Wilson talked about Bush's comment that he felt sorry for Libby's family. He wanted to know why the WH didn't care about his family or that Valerie's career was ruined over this case. He ran down his trip to Niger and said he was a good choice to go because of his prior experience with Iraq and Africa. He thought our justice system was served well today…No man is above the law…Cheney is arguing that he is immune to prosecution…James Meek from the Daily News asked about the juror that said Libby was the fall guy and wondered how he felt about him mentioning Rove's name…He knows they were all knee deep in smearing his family over the matter, but didn't question Fitzgerald's handling of the case.

Nancy Pelosi:
Today's guilty verdicts are not solely about the acts of one individual.
This trial provided a troubling picture of the inner workings of the Bush Administration. The testimony unmistakably revealed – at the highest levels of the Bush Administration – a callous disregard in handling sensitive national security information and a disposition to smear critics of the war in Iraq.

CREW: No man is above the law.

Dick Cheney:

"I am very disappointed with the verdict. I am saddened for Scooter and his family. As I have said before, Scooter has served our nation tirelessly and with great distinction through many years of public service."

Theodore Wells, Libby's defense attorney:

"We believe, as we said at the time of his indictment, that he is totally innocent, totally innocent, and that he did not do anything wrong. And we intend to keep fighting to establish his innocence."


“We're all saddened by today's news.”

Rove's reaction: *cricket* *cricket* Where is Rove?


Geezer Power said...


Thanks for you enlightening and informative comments. It is heartening to see Pelosi go right to the things revealed in the trial. Looks like something might get accomplished.

Can Libby get a new trial without an appeal? Big money and power really suck. New trial could take untill Dubya's term is over...

It is great to see the truth revealed, and a chance for justice to be done for Cheney, whose karma has caught up with him.

SP Biloxi said...


Libby is petitioning for his appeal now. He might claim that he didn't have good representation. That is only shot. Libby has to hope that appeal will not denied. I will be following this. Good question.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Interesting news out of US Attorney's office/Chicago

You know the commercial for Career builder.com with the Chimps? I have been feeling like the head zoo keeper all week so far, no end in sight.

airJackie said...

My thoughts on Libby's new trial/appeal. The review has to find a legal reason for a new trial not just because you didn't like the decision. The appeal has to show something was illegally done that hurt the defendent and that mistake could have changed the results. Facts Judge Walton saw the tricks Wells was playing with the court and put it on record for the appeals court to hear. Fact Wells didn't put the defense witnesses on the stand that he told the Judge he would to prove Libby's innocents.
As SPB would say bottom line
No new trial and sentence stays.
The only way out for Libby now is a pardon by the Gerbil. If the Gerbil pardon's Libby all will know the problem stated with Bush.
President Ford pardoned Nixon and live to regret it as he saw the same corruption happen again because no one had to pay for their crimes. Now Libby needs the Republican party to push Bush to do the same for him.
This conviction is now showing other world leaders that Bush/Cheney's word is worth nothing and they lie to your face. Watch how the world reacts more to this verdict as Americans have so many crimes by the White House in the news today. Where is Karl Rove?

SP Biloxi said...

Stephen Kubiatowski...

Wow, he told the bail fron the Gerbil just like Noel Hillman. The Gerbil waves the carrot in front of these young attorneys and they take it without a heart beat. I am not knocking wanting a higher position or career movement but being brought and paid by the Gerbil leads into big trouble. That is what you called "the indenture servant" to the WH.