Sunday, March 04, 2007

From the words of an conservative ass...

Coulter “clarifies” her Edwards remark: “C’mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean.” Coulter also shares her views on Iran: “My thesis is that right-wingers think that Rudy Giuliani would immediately bomb Iran, and so we kind of like that. But I’d like to get that in writing before you make him our presidential nominee.”

Thanks for destroying Guiliani’s political career, Assann… I’m sure he’s shocked that a bigot like you just endorsed him.


Anonymous said...

Coulter, friend of Faux news. Are her books in the fiction section or science fiction section? If they aren't they should be. I just can't understand how anyone with any intelligence what-so-ever can believe or take anything this IT says even half way seriously.

SP Biloxi said...

What makes matter worse is that this creature is a lawyer! I don't know who is worse: Scotter with his trashy novel or a journalist/lawyer who is on another planet!

Anonymous said...

Creature is more like "IT". lol