Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Halliburton Nigerian bribery case and Dick Cheney

Charlie Cray writes on the Huffington Post about the one investigation that might come back to haunt Vice President (and former Halliburton CEO) Dick Cheney -- the Halliburton Nigeria bribery case:

"A new ripple in the case was revealed today in the company's annual 10-K report to shareholders, where (starting on page 55) they update the story, revealing that the Nigeria bribes, some of which occurred on Cheney's watch as CEO), may have been just the tip of the iceberg."

Cray goes on to question how enormous sums of money (over $100 million in this Nigerian case alone) could have gone unnoticed by then COO (and now CEO) David Lesar, considering he was a former Arthur Andersen accountant.


Anonymous said...

Things like this were probably very common for Cheney and probably still are. This guy is the most evil slime ever.

Anonymous said...

Next week it's going to get interesting,
the coming conference should be seen as a sign that the Bush administration has definitely rejected the key recommendation of the Baker-Hamilton group.

Obviously things aren't going well at all in Iraq

No UN agreement

airJackie said...

Cheney and Halliburton cooked up their plan before he took office now it's only for the investigation to charge both.

I was on Fit'z blog and I'm still mad. Prissywhat ever made some comments that hit the wrong spot for me. I'm just blowing of steam now. We have a troops without safty equipment and injured troops living with mice/roaches and all she can talk about is the military mission to attack Hillary most likely next Obama. Maybe I know to much about the suffering of our troops by the hand of Bush. But her comments make me understand how Bush got in office twice. Are people really that stupid? Attacking Clinton, Obama and Edwards gives the GOP another four years to have our kids killed. Is there a mold in the military family support team. Some of Peaches's friends who were injured are living in that mice/roaches conditions as I have to hear crap about Hillary not saying what this group wants to hear her say. I thought military families were interested in our troops best interest. No one word mentioned about attacking Bush who is having a troops killed at will. Ok I'm finished I just had to get it out somewhere thanks for listening.

SP Biloxi said...

The Gerbil created a World War IV in Iraq because of his greed. Cheney is the worst slime ever.

Anonymous said...

Jackie I have not been to the Fitz site in a while, but with Guiliani the GOP lead we can't let that happen, or any similar GOP or anyone associated with this administration, the WH needs a lot of work done too much, both foreign and domestic. I know some people over in that mess, and that it is.