Sunday, March 11, 2007

Fire Gonzales! And now a word from our sponsor...

NY Times says fire "the Failed Attorney General":
We opposed Mr. Gonzales’s nomination as attorney general. His résumé was weak, centered around producing legal briefs for Mr. Bush that assured him that the law said what he wanted it to say. More than anyone in the administration, except perhaps Vice President Dick Cheney, Mr. Gonzales symbolizes Mr. Bush’s disdain for the separation of powers, civil liberties and the rule of law.


airJackie said...

Nobody believed me when I said Gonzo didn't really pass law school. Gonzo says he works as adviser to the President. Now the position of the Attorney General is to follow the law for the interest of the American people. Bush has his own advisers like the witch lady. So Gonzo will have to leave just in time to start picking fruit as that he knows well. Yes another unqualified appointee fired. Who's next? Connie is doing her best to make things look good but everyone knows she's stuck up and stupid so nothing will change until a new President takes office that the World leaders can trust. Even Chavez is now taking his shots as Bush did when Chavez visited the United States. Pay back is something isn't it.

jan said...

Halliburton Will Move HQ to Dubai

hmmmm. Good way to get out of U.S. courts.

What are your thoughts on this, SPB?

SP Biloxi said...

Hello Jan!

Here are my thoughts about the move of Halliburton to Dubai:

Halliburton had to move their operations from Texas to overseas because of loss of revenue to the company, the lawsuits that are arising from the company, and Dick Cheney's connection to war profit from Iraq and Afghanistan. What the media doesn't understand is that Dick Cheney used Halliburton and KBR as front company to funnel billion of dollars to Cheney, Bush, and others from government contracts from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tom DeLay and Abramoff did the same thing when they created a firm called Alexander Strategy Group which funneled money and government contracts which in turn was acrually funneled to DeLay's company. And since Cheney is still a shareholder to Halliburton and received shares from the company. It is a win win situation for Dick and that is why he wants the troop to stay in Iraq and doesn't want the war to end. Dubai is always looking do business in the U.S. When Dubai and the U.S. port agreement cased an outraged, there were rumors about Hallburton and Dubai relationship. Dick and the Gerbil know the Waxman and other in Congress are innvestigating Halliburton and are closer to truth. So, Dick moves his operations to Dubai because those profits can't be touch. The Halliburton is nothing more than a business move for Dick.


Gonzo will be the next to leave. He will be a liability to the WH.

SP Biloxi said...

p.s. Jan:

I forgot to mention the oil deal with Halliburton and Dubai. Dick and Bush are preparing for their end of their term to continue to profit in oil but they want profit overseas. Look for their money to be transferred overseas.

Anonymous said...

Yes they have to set themselves up now because the next WH administration may want to look at things a lot more closely, and getting things out of this country will make it a lot more difficult. I see more of this to come, especially as it gets closer to the end of this WH rein.